Thursday, July 12, 2012

Veganpalooza 2012

Veganpalooza is a teleconference happening right now. It is free to listen to and there have been some really interesting people that have spoken so far. I am not sure if it is too late to sign up, but the information that is being shared is really valuable. So is worth trying to get in on the action. The teleconference is hosted by Dr. Will Tuttle and Steve Prussack.

It is a veritable who's who of leaders in the field of vegan/vegetarian nutrition, those devoted to spreading compassion, and others whose message is simply that this approach/this lifestyle is what will save our planet. So far I've listened in on Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physician's Committee on Responsible Medicine, Dr. John McDougall, author of The Starch Solution,  and Dr. Thomas Lodi speaking on how a vegan diet can (and does) heal cancer. Marisa Miller Wolfson, Rip Esselstyn,
Rich Roll, Victoria Moran, Howard Lyman, Kathy Freston, and Colleen Patrick-Goodreau (who I adore) will be speaking in the days to come.

While there is information I've heard countless times before, much of it is new and food for thought. For example, either Dr. Lodi or Dr. McDougall had a patient (I can't remember as I listened to both recently) who came to him weeks from death and through a plant based/starch diet, this woman shrank her tumors to NOTHING. When she went back to her onclologist six months later showing her clean x-rays, it was clearly like seeing a ghost. As happy as her doctor was to see her,  when she asked "Don't you want to know how I did it?" her doctor said "No." Seriously? There really is no money in the cure, but in the drug. That was sad. Wouldn't you want your oncologist trying to explore every possible venue to keep you on planet Earth?

There are so many people I want to listen to and the interviews are up for 24 hours after they premier, so I've got some inspiration to go and grab.

One thing to mention is that I thought I was doing okay health-wise, now there is this wake up call to clean out the cupboards and chuck some of the processed foods that make me a junk food vegan. Sigh, I guess it makes no sense to save the planet and not do everything possible to make sure you are here to enjoying living on it!

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