Monday, June 25, 2012

Catskills Animal Sanctuary Shindig

I had the great joy of finally going to an animal sanctuary a few weekends past. It was the Catskills Animal Sanctuary in upstate New York. It started off as a rainy, dreary day. After an hour or so,
the weather gods decided to let us enjoy the animals without worrying about umbrellas.

The sanctuary was a lot of fun. There were many visitors as it was one of their annual events, their 'shindig.' It was an opportunity to come, meet the animals, eat good (VEGAN) food, and learn the many stories of these humble beasts. Everyone that works there, wants to be there and have a pure love for these animals. These animals that have been through so much and have every reason to hate humans, but don't. Because bitterness and the desire for revenge are man's emotions, not theirs.

I cannot wait to go back. On another day when it is not so crowded, preferably. The chickens, and roosters, and goats, and pigs, and geese, and lambs, and turkeys, oh my! I had one of those moments of zen being around all those animals that made me realize, "Yes, this is why I don't eat you anymore." There really is a peace with that that would not be traded for anything.

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